Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wordless Wednesday... Wedding Vow Renewal Pics

August 2nd marked our 5year Wedding Anniversary and the Hubby & I decided to renew our wedding vows in Vegas where we initiated “TIED the KNOT

The 1st time we had our ceremony at A Special Memory Wedding Chapel; this time around we said our “I DO’s” under the Fabulous Las Vegas Sign.



Vegas is known to some as SIN CITY but like I tell everyone you can stay in your own CITY & SIN!
To us VEGAS is where LOVE STORIES are SHARED and where memories are MADE!

It turned out to be everything that we wanted & some… if you want a quick, easy, stress-free wedding or vow renewal book your FLIGHT & head to VEGAS!
I assure you… you will not regret it!



Special Thanks to our family that came out & supported us as well as Pam & Rev. Tim Rowland of Las Vegas Luv Bug for making our day hassle FREE and a SUCCESS!

NOTE TO YOU: Sometimes you have to go back and revisit and/or relive moments that once made you HAPPY so that you can remember those MOMENTS for a LIFETIME!

~Until Next Time

Peace, Love, & Fashion  Marriage

Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekend WOW Moment…

My weekend was fill with surprises and excitement!
1st things 1st… I cut my hair for the very 1st time in over 20 years! I have had a trim here and there but NEVER have I had a major cut like this before. I was born and raised in the South and being from the south Females are taught that you are not to cut your hair. We are raised with the thought that our hair is our CROWN and GLORY! So, this is something that I have live with. I have talked about getting it cut but NEVER really got the nerve up to actually do it.

This past Saturday I FINALLY did it!!!!!

 My Natural Hair was not having it at 1st

I thought I would have to go with a “curly fro” but my stylist was able to work her magic and straighten my hair.

I had Chrys of Married 2 Makeup do my make-up

As I was feeling my new hairstyle so much I had my blog buddy Kiwi the Beauty do me a photo shoot – Here is a Sneak Peak!

She captured some AMAZING pictures that I can’t wait to share them with you all.

Some may say that it’s drastic but I don’t REGRET it and I’m GLAD I did!
I can FINALLY say that I AM FREE!!!! I thought that it would be hard to managed but in REALITY so far it actually seem easier to manage and I’m sooo happy to look in the mirror and see the NEW ME  

Last but definitely not least… I went to Church on yesterday and it was “Youth Sunday” and the service was phenomenal. Have you ever went to Church and seems as if the message was speaking right into your LIFE?

The sermon was brought to us out of Genesis 12


·         You can’t align yourself with everybody… EVERYBODY don’t want to see you blessed!!!!

·         The only ENEMY you have is in you!

I sooo needed to hear that I walked out of Church with my short haircut knowing that I was walking into my destiny…

NOTE TO YOU: You seriously have to go with what makes you HAPPY! Not everyone is going to like how you wear your hair, how you dress, or the things that you do but if it makes you HAPPY then DO YOU!!!! Nobody can be YOU but YOU!!!!

I have decided to link up with a few bloggers… See below for the link-ups and join in on the FUN!  

~Until Next Time

Peace, Love, & Fashion  Hair

Joining #MondayMingle, BonBon Rose Girls is hosting the linky this week. “Monday Mingle” is a weekly fashion/personal style link-up rotated between Momtrends,BonBon Rose Girls, and Glamamom.

Joining iampriiincesss for Monday Madness

Joining #FundayMonday hosts Molly @ still being [molly], Carly @ Lipgloss & Crayons, and guest hosts for the week Style to Envy, and Love the Skinnys

Joining Monday Bloom DC in Style

 Joining Patti over at Not Dead Yet Style for Visual Monday

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thrifted Thursday + A Message to our QUEENS!

Happy Friday Eve Folks… I just realized that I’ve been wearing “Thrifted” pieces this week. I’m surely not complaining because I’m definitely getting the opportunity to rotate a few item in my closet that having worn over a long period of time. Most days I’m not exactly sure what to wear because the weather here in Atlanta has been extremely “out of ordinary” for it to be August! I can’t believe how cool it is and how much rain we have had over the course of the past few weeks!

I haven’t been thrifting in months… I found myself buying things I didn’t need so instead of going back into anymore “Thrift Stores” I’m going to take advantage of the items that I already have.

Here’s a look at the past (3) three “thrifted” outfits that I have worn so far this week.


On yesterday when I posted this look on my IG and Facebook page I was feeling REAL ladylike and my caption read:
Society has our young generation believing that showing A$$ is CLASS but in REALITY a Man will “address” you the way you dress… Respect is given when shown!

~Always Keep it CLASSY Ladies!!!!

We witness so many females that post half naked pictures just to gain a like on IG/Facebook or a Follow on Twitter… I’m thinking what happen to morals and self-respect! I understand there are models and professionals that get paid to do this but what message is this sending to our younger generation? They are our future and if we EXPECT the best from them we MUST show them the best from how we live to how we dress.  

I am in no way judging how anyone dresses… To each its own but I’m raising 2 daughters to be QUEENS over here! And, I live each day so that can look at me and honesty say they are PROUD of me. I know I am their greatest cheerleader as they are mine. They are watching me so I have to be the BEST example and Mommy I can be.

Folks are too afraid to be a VOICE but at some point someone has to take a STAND and let our young girls know that there’s more to life than a follow or a LIKE!   

~Until Next Time 

Peace, Love, & Fashion

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

School Blues

School is back in session!!!!!

I'm sure plenty of parents are “HAPPY GO LUCKY” about their kids going back to school but I’m like the total opposite.

Sorry, for the picture quality... I snagged this off of Instagram

I was totally NOT ready… It just came way to FAST! I still had things to do… LOL!
School starting back for me it’s a JOB!!!!! Yesssss a JOB!!!!  

When the school bell ring in my mind it only means that I have to make several trips back & forth to the school, multiple school activities, and trips to the Boys and Girls Club. I know you thinking just utilize the school bus whelp, that’s not the case over here my daughter attends a Charter School and one requirement for Charter Schools is the parents have to provide transportation if you do not live within the pickup area.

Ooooo… and let’s not mention the hours of homework, projects, more “teen talks”, and let’s NOT forget more money; more money! I don’t know about your child(ren) school but I know we are dishing out money on a weekly basics round here. It’s almost like the kid need a grant just to attend public school.

~ Bottom Line: School = TIME, MONEY, and GAS so I must pack some patience for the next 10 months!!!!

Don’t get me wrong the benefits in the long run are PRICELESS!
I just hope my 11th grader appreciates and understand the sacrifice that we make as PARENTS 

I think she's get's it I just hope she don't forget it! BTW, the 1st day of school just so happen to have fallen on my 40th EARTH Day!
My oldest daughter gave me a Blog Camera as she calls it so I can stop using my phone to take pics and my Baby Girl surprised me with breakfast! (So, I'm thinking maybe she's gets it)

To make things a little easier and to save on time we iron school uniforms on Sunday and do meal planning for the week.
Here’s a peek inside at last week meal planning… It went very well!

NOTE TO YOU: Are you excited that school is back in session? How do you save time and money when during school months?  

~Until Next Time

Peace, Love, Fashion & School