Did you get an opportunity to watch the TLC Movie: Crazy, Sexy, Cool last night?
I watched it and was LIVE tweeting while watching go back and check out some of my commentary during the show over on Twitter. Although most of them will make you laugh it was no laughing matter that TLC worked as hard as they did not get the RESPECT and MONEY that they deserved. At the end of the day… Folks will ALWAYS see your GLORY but NEVER know your story. We all have a story and it’s up to us if we choose to share it. Just remember your story could help someone… you never know who you may be helping when sharing.
Speaking of money… Have y’all seen the new Benjamin Franklin? Yeah, Ben got a ‘face lift” so much so that it sort of look UNREAL! Looking at this note ~ This “piece of paper” has caused folks to lose their minds, their family, their dignity, and even their life. I totally understand money is to better life for people but it seems to be causing more lifelessness than LIFE itself. I know money should make life easier because it gets you STUFF and some people allow STUFF to satisfy them and think STUFF is what makes them but none of that STUFF is more important than life itself. In case you are wondering… there are a few things money can’t buy: Love, Happiness, Hugs, Personality, Thoughtfulness, Kindness, and Smiles! Try giving someone something that money can’t buy and they will cherish it forever! I know we all want money as I do but I REFUSE to kill and/or sell my soul just to have it.
Truth be told: it’s nothing wrong with having and wanting money… it’s when “greed” play a part. And, in my honest opinion I feel that GREED was definitely a factor when it came to TLC Music Career and Joshua death.
Biggie said it best: Mo Money Mo Problems
NOTE TO YOU: If you have money and/or getting money just be smart about earning, spending, and saving!
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. ~1 Timothy 6:10
~Until Next Time
Peace, Love, Faith, & Fashion Money