I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend as I spent the weekend surrounded by LOVE!!!! I have a few “girlfriends” that I have been friends with for years; some since middle & high school; we use to get together each month for each other’s birthday. But somewhere along the way with our very busy schedules it all fell by the waist side. To say the least… we haven’t gotten together in months. So, one of my besties ask if I would partner with her to help plan & arrange a REUNION for the ATL Ladies (All Together Lovely Ladies) that’s what we named ourselves. I agreed and we did just that!!!! J
I must say that I only offered a little assistance. Paulette pretty much spearheaded the entire event and she did LA-MAZING!!!! We requested the ladies to wear white as the theme was called ATL Ladies Reunion… An Angel Affair. The color white was to represent friends as angels. We greeted one another with embracing hugs, we prayed, we ate, we talked, we ate some more, we laughed, and then watched a DVD that Paulette created by using all the pictures that we have taken throughout the years and made a video out of the pics. We also had a mini photoshoot which was done by my oldest daughter... (yes, she is a photographer). She took pictures of the entire event. There were so many pic’s that I wish I could share them all but here are a few of my faves.
After it was all said & done... Paulette & I gave each other HIGH 5 & KICKED UP our heels... then began to CLEAN-UP!!!! lol
~Here are a few pic's of me before the ATL Ladies arrived~
What I Wore:
Capri Jumper: Walking Model - $30
~Please be sure to check out my daughter photography work on Facebook at: Tyler Porter Photography
*Disclaimer: This was only half of the ladies... the other half were truly missed: Candace, Cepada, Nakia, Shinoca, & Val*
Note to You: I was once told that if you want to know where you will be in the next (5) five years... just take a look at your "Circle of Friends"!!!! ~Have you checked your circle???!!!