Monday, August 29, 2011

Circle of Friends

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend as I spent the weekend surrounded by LOVE!!!! I have a few “girlfriends” that I have been friends with for years; some since middle & high school; we use to get together each month for each other’s birthday. But somewhere along the way with our very busy schedules it all fell by the waist side. To say the least… we haven’t gotten together in months. So, one of my besties ask if I would partner with her to help plan & arrange a REUNION for the ATL Ladies (All Together Lovely Ladies) that’s what we named ourselves. I agreed and we did just that!!!! J 

Partners of Planning the Reunion... Paulette & I

I must say that I only offered a little assistance. Paulette pretty much spearheaded the entire event and she did LA-MAZING!!!! We requested the ladies to wear white as the theme was called ATL Ladies Reunion… An Angel Affair. The color white was to represent friends as angels. We greeted one another with embracing hugs, we prayed, we ate, we talked, we ate some more, we laughed, and then watched a DVD that Paulette created by using all the pictures that we have taken throughout the years and made a video out of the pics. We also had a mini photoshoot which was done by my oldest daughter... (yes, she is a photographer). She took pictures of the entire event. There were so many pic’s that I wish I could share them all but here are a few of my faves.

I believe in angels, but I call them my friends.

My Fashionista Friends... Angels that you can see

Friends are kisses blown to us by angels.  ~Author Unknown

Friends are the angels that lift us up when our wings have forgotten how to fly

Circle of Friends... there is no beginning and no end!

Friends that Pray together; Stay together

"Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world." — Marilyn Monroe

God put you on this earth to show people what an angel looks like
After it was all said & done... Paulette & I gave each other HIGH 5 & KICKED UP our heels... then began to CLEAN-UP!!!! lol

~Here are a few pic's of me before the ATL Ladies arrived~

What I Wore:

Capri Jumper: Walking Model - $30
Qupid Glitter Shoes: Tilly's - $29.99
Accessories (except the tennis bracelet - gifted): LA Lynn's  

~Please be sure to check out my daughter photography work on Facebook at: Tyler Porter Photography

*Disclaimer: This was only half of the ladies... the other half were truly missed: Candace, Cepada, Nakia, Shinoca, & Val*

Note to You: I was once told that if you want to know where you will be in the next (5) five years... just take a look at your "Circle of Friends"!!!! ~Have you checked your circle???!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Peachy Keen

T.G.I..F. ----> Thank GOD I’m Fabulous!!!!! I am truly feeling this statement to the FULLEST today because I had the pleasure to participate in ASB (Atlanta Style Bloggers) 1st style event and I must say when I first saw the post I was super excited but then immediately thought to myself: I don’t have any “PEACH to WEAR”!!!!  But I was determined to take advantage and be apart of this challenge style event. The lightbulb went off in my head quickly remembering that I had shopped my daughters closet just a few weeks ago when I went out with my cousin to celebrate her BORN day and never took time to load the pic’s because I felt they were horrible being that they were taken with my cellphone. At any rate, here are a few pic’s of that “PEACHY NIGHT” in the ATL!!!!!

"The PEACH Victim"
It pays to have a teenage daughter… Although, she’s much smaller than I am I manage to squeeze in a few of her shirts but I can’t even think twice about sticking one leg in her pants, jeans, or shoes!!!! (Only in my dreams)

Say CHEESE :-)

Sorry, for the shiny face!!!! *_*

I think I'm ready to go now...

If the hubby saw my foot on this wall he would KILL over... he's such a neat FREAK! lol

My Gangsta Boo look... Bwahahaha!!!!!

The Jessica Simpson wristlet came FREE with a perfume gift set  
GA PEACHES... Bday Girl in Blk&White (Cuz Joy) & My newly engaged cuzzo Kim showing off her BLING!

Scored these babes were $5!!!!!

What I Wore:

Shirt: - Daughter's Closet (originally from Macy's)
Jeans: Encore Macy's (Old)
Shoes: Charlotte Russe Outlet - $5
Accessories: LA Lynn's (my site is still under construction)
Wrislet: Jessica Simpson - FREE!!!!
Welp, blog babes... I guess that sums this style event up! It was so much FUN... but I know now I must incorporate some PEACH in my closet!

Do you have any weekend plans??? As for me... I will be working this weekend making some LA "EAR PIECES" for my online store. Here are a few that I have already created.

Double Dribble Hoops

***Hoop STARS***

Chain Gang Hoops

Oh BOY!!!!!! I almost forgot to tell you all... yours truly was FEATURED!!!!
~Please be sure to check out my feature. Click here --->: Oh Nikka


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Who's going to help... The Help

Wazzup lovelies... I didn't mean to leave you all hangin' but I am seriously still recuperating from all of my BORN day festivities!!!! Not to mention working a government 9-5, She-EO of my own business, twitter, facebook, blogging, tumblr 101, and most of all being a Mom, Friend, Daughter, and Wife can be overwhelming at times. (Not complaining because I wouldn't trade it for the world) but it wouldn't hurt if I had a clone or some XTRA HANDS!!!! I find myself always going the extra mile to see someone else smile. :)) I'm ALWAYS supporting & helping others but lately I have to ask myself... who's going to HELP THE HELP????

Speaking of The HELP... Last Sunday, I was suppose to meet up with Socialite Nikka from Oh Nikka as I had read on her blog earlier that week that DL Winfrey of Pretty Girls Rock Dresses was having a meet up at Atlantic Station to see the movie: The Help and to wear pretty dresses. We were told to buy our tickets in advance but "busy body" me never took the time to purchase my ticket online & thought I would just show up & buy my ticket the day of. So, my bestie & I put on our "pretty dresses" and excitedly headed to Atlantic Station & when we approached the ticket window the screen read: SOLD OUT~Kicking myself because I had ran around all weekend long for everybody and their mama and didn't take out 5 minutes of my time to purchase my tickets online. *Disobedience = Disappointed*

All dressed & no where to GO!

Taking pic's & thinking where I can go on a Sunday Afternoon...

Not sure where these StEpS may lead me :))

Although, I wasn't a happy camper I was determined not to let that spoil my afternoon. So, I went & got my girls and we made a trip to our favorite book store...

I didn't wear this dress for NOTHING... may as well strut in Barnes & Noble

Look what greets me when I walk into the BOOK STORE!!!! *_*

Contemplating... if I will buy the book or wait to see the Movie at a later date

My Baby Girl got the book of her choice: Fences by August Wilson

What I Wore:
The total FIT from the dress, shoes, to the accessories were all purchased at: - Macy's
SN: You will notice that most of my outfits & shoes are from Macy's - That's where my Mother makes her living... YES, my Mother works there and I reap all the perks & beneFITS!

Note to you: When you don’t see me tweet or blog on a regular just know that my life is SUPER busy as I am continuously running here and there, taking care of work, kids, hubby, family, friends, my dog & etc. So, please be patience with me… God isn’t finish with me yet!
Note to Self: I have been putting other people needs & wants consistently before my own. It’s time for me to create some time and space for myself. This way I will have a sense of peace, balance, and wholeness.
Starting today, I pledge to HELP… The HELP by doing & spending more time with The Help… MYSELF!
Please be sure to check out the pictures of the ladies that attended the Movie Outing on Oh Nikka Blog Post at: Thanks, for the Help  

Friday, August 12, 2011

I can have my CAKE and EAT it too...

Ol' Happy Happy Happy Friday lovelies... today is a VERY special day in history!!!!! As today, marks my 38th BORN Day!!!! I'm NOT one of those women who's afraid to say her age... I'm BLESSED & extremely happy to say I'm 38 & feel GREAT!!!! "\(^_^)/"

My day will consist of spending time with the "loves of my life" which includes... My Mom, My Hubby & My Girls... But before I do ANYTHING I have to 1st head to the DMV to get my license renewed... that's my 1st Birthday surprise (pun intended)!!!!

However, my official BORN Day celebration with my family & friends will take place tomorrow... Saturday 13th at JMac's Bar & Grill as I will be celebrating my Birthday & my Business.

It's a celebration of BIRTH & LYFE... My LYFE!!!!

 I wanted to share with my blog buddies my PAR-TAY invitation as well as a few pic's from my photoshoot. All of the pictures will be featured on the official LA Lynn's webpage. (coming soon)...

Inspiration behind my LOGO



AKA Love...

I'm NOT new to this... I'm TRUE to this! lol

I see you lookin'...

Put a RING on it!
 There were TONS of photo's taken... these are just a few pic's from the photo shoot that I wanted to share

All accessories worn in the photo shoot are currently sold at my Accessory Shoppe: LA Lynn's

Photo's were taken by my High School Classmate who is the owner of LITTLE FOOTPRINTS PHOTOGRAPHY - If you are in need of a photogropher and you are in the area please be sure to look her up... You won't be disappointed!

  I am always SUPER excited on my BORN day because this is the one day that is totally dedicated to me. It is my personal holiday: so if I want to laugh, sing, talk loud, cry, dance, or have my CAKE & EAT it too... it's ok as long as I don't make a MESS!!!! ^_^

Wishing you ALL a wonderful weekend! Until next time...
Live, Laugh, & Love!!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fruit Loops!!!!

Aloha lovelies... I'm back!!!!! I was going to Blog about my Anniversary day but instead I wanted to participate in the Everybody Everywear Pattern Mixing Challenge.

I was SURPRISED to see a pay phone... I didn't even know they still had pay phone!!!!
When I first saw the challenge I already had in mind what I would wear as I've been waiting to pair socks with an open toe heel!!!! So, this was the purrrfect opportunity for me to MIX Patterns!!!!

I wasn't actually on the phone this was for prop purposes only... lol
I just knew I couldn't wear this to work... I'm not quite sure how they would accept this look in the office. Anywho, I decided to wear it to dinner with the hubby!  ^_^

When I came downstairs to go to dinner My Hubby LOL & said I know you are NOT wearing that... *He's such a character* So, I told him I wore it just for him & he went on to tell me I look like a BOWL of FRUIT LOOPS!!!!

I may look FRUITY but I had FUN with this challenge!
I must admit I was a little skeptical about wearing this outfit

Once the SUN hit my face... My confidence level was on HIGH!!!!
I just might make a habit out of wearing socks with heels!!!!  lol
What do you think??? Do you think my look is FRUITY??? lol

What I wore:
Dress: Thrifted $5
Socks: Macys - $5
Clutch: J.C. Penny - $12
Shoes: Gifted
Accessories: Ring - Guess Bracelet & Necklace - LA Lynn's

Have you ever stepped outside of your FASHIONISTA BOX???

Quote of the Day: Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic.” - Dave Barry